Melissa Gordon - The Gesture is a Joke
01 June - 03 July 2016
‘The Gesture is a Joke’ is the second solo exhibition of Melissa Gordon (°Cambridge, MA, USA, 1981 / works in London, UK) at Deweer Gallery. In this show she presents a series of tongue-in-cheek abstract paintings that take as their subject the accidental, aleatory, uncontrolled by-products of the painting process found on the surfaces of Gordon’s studio. The artist zooms-in on and frames her own gestures, before reproducing them in acrylic on canvas. For her solo at Deweer Gallery Gordon creates an exhibition construction within the existing architecture which overlaps her studio and apartment layouts in London. The temporary walls - themselves a reference to production - underline the fascination of the artist for the unfinished, for the fragment, for being-in-movement.
Displayed together the paintings reveal a photographic relationship to each other, as if seen from the eye of a camera as it pans across a wall, crops, zooms or takes images in time-lapse. In doing so, ‘The Gesture is a Joke’ foregrounds a series of important relationships in Gordon’s work: the relationship between representation and abstraction, between presence and absence, and between painting and film.
Click here for the exhibition file of the show.